Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Tonights Spicy Stir Fry

This weeks left overs recombobulated into something delish.

Cook rice... 1 ladle per person. add to salted boiling water, 1 ladle scoop per person. boil 8 mins and strain.. forget the absorbtion method, too easy to burn if you get coding hard...
put lid on, to conserve heat.
Place 2 big pasta bowls in microwave with water between and heat for 3 mins... to get em hot.

3 box method ( and sauce)
Soy Sauce, oyster sauce, honey, ginger, chilli oil, garlic chopped, dash of sherry.

Roast beef, marinate in garlic, oil, and chopped chilli

(box 2) To cook a bit.. Veg ( left overs )
carrots, baby sweet corns ( chopped ) , mushrooms chopped. old pepper.

(box 3)To keep crunchy...
Sugar snap peas(chopped ), baby sweet corns ( chopped ) , mushrooms chopped. old pepper, old leek ends and old spring onion.

cashew nuts.

Chop meat, garlic ( 1 clove), 1 chili pepper, mix up. and marinate
Chop mushrooms, peppers and other ingredients... separate into boxes, some divide for fresh and cooked.

Sauce, chop and mix. should be sweet, tangy, and wacky and slightly hot.

Heat rice. 8 mins boil.
Heat oil, add beef + stuff... til hot. ( box1)
Add sauce, should be sticky, and the sugar in the honey will make it hotter on domestic cookers. it will bubble... great! ( 20 secs sort of ).Once meat is hawt! and sizzly...

Throw in box 2... the stuff u want super hot and a little cooked..
1 min... bubble, shake, 2 mins'ish ( your trying to get it hot and a tincy bit cooked ).

Add the 3rd ( you want it crunchy, so adding last min )
Quickly stir in and cover with sauce.

Throw drained rice into heated bowls*, spoon in generous amount, sprinkle with sesame seeds on meat mixture. and wolf down with chopsticks.

*if u have them ( couldnt find them tonight )

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Colour your shell prompt taken from Lifehacker

Using the tip is relatively simple—just edit the /root/.bashrc file and add in the following, preferably commenting out the existing lines that set the color, though you can simply add this line to the end of the file.

PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;31m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '

Once you've added this line, anytime you switch to using the root shell you will see the prompt in red with white text for the command line. Chris takes it further, with a line that turns the prompt green for regular users, which you can enable by adding the following to your ~/.bashrc file:
